Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Most Painful Days!

Days 5 thru' 8
Deva Prasad
I try my best to comfort my SIL. Though my brother put his career above family, he would do anything for his wife and his girls. He would hate to see them cry.

A beautiful memorial service is arranged by his employer and friends. My brother looks handsome in his favorite dark suit and red tie in the casket. There are client representatives from every notable South Korean company. People talk about how caring he was. They are amazed at how much he has achieved at the young age of 42. His Korean assistant tells me I am beautiful just as my brother told them. He has also told them my husband is one of the best humans in the world. I get goosebumps. Wow! my brother has talked up our family with his colleagues. If only I knew...if only he were alive...if only...

His older daughter couldn't bear the sorrow. She gets a panic attack and I stay with her in the hospital. 

The next day, I call my parents who still didn't know he passed away. My parents ask, "How is he? When are you all coming?" "Please bring him home safe. There are good doctors in Chennai", my mom tears up. There is a long silence on my side, "Sure, Ma", and I hang up the phone.

My uncle calls and asks me not to call India or the States. He assures that he will take care of my parents and every other arrangements over there.  He further reiterates the goal of my mission. They all know how strong hearted I am. They did choose the right person. I am angry, tired, and hurt, but won't cry.

At home, we ponder if we should spill the sad news to my brother's little one when she comes back from her friend's house. She starts crying at the words her dad is hurt. We decide not to tell her anything till we land in Chennai.

My husband calls and says that a couple of windows shattered into pieces in our house. The same thing happened when my Father In Law passed away. This might be a coincidence but I strongly believe it is a classic sign of my brother's soul visiting our house.

We wait for the transportation arrangements and all the legal formalities to be completed. We make certain that my brother's body travels with us. We hear he is moved from the hospital to the airport and it makes our hearts bleed. Any news about him twists our hearts and kills us over and over again.

In Loving Memory of Deva Prasad

His life earnest, his actions kind
A willing hand, and active mind
Anxious to please, loath to offend
A loving brother and faithful friend.


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